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Designing Spaces for Impactful Musical Experiences

June 10, 2024 Carla Bonilla Huaroc 0

Music consumption has historically been closely connected to the environments in which it is enjoyed. Before the advent of music recordings, listening to music was a social activity tied to collective rituals in physical spaces, such as concerts or smaller communal gatherings. With the development of music records and now with the current availability of virtually any kind of music at our fingertips, experiencing music has become a more solitary and routine endeavor. However, returning to the roots of communal musical experiences may unlock numerous benefits much needed in our isolating digital age. These collective musical events have the potential to significantly enhance a community‘s social cohesion and improve their mental health through memorable shared experiences.

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Designing Spaces for Impactful Musical Experiences

June 10, 2024 Carla Bonilla Huaroc 0

Music consumption has historically been closely connected to the environments in which it is enjoyed. Before the advent of music recordings, listening to music was a social activity tied to collective rituals in physical spaces, such as concerts or smaller communal gatherings. With the development of music records and now with the current availability of virtually any kind of music at our fingertips, experiencing music has become a more solitary and routine endeavor. However, returning to the roots of communal musical experiences may unlock numerous benefits much needed in our isolating digital age. These collective musical events have the potential to significantly enhance a community‘s social cohesion and improve their mental health through memorable shared experiences.

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The Rise of 3D-Printed Prefabricated Homes

April 10, 2024 Carla Bonilla Huaroc 0

As construction materials costs increase, builders and developers are seeking alternatives to traditional home construction methods to address housing shortages. In response, an expanding construction technology field is the 3D printing sector. This technology promises quicker, cheaper construction and the potential to extrude local and recycled materials. However, due to the slow-changing nature of the construction industry, a radical shift involving large-scale 3D-printing machines on-site and a complete overhaul of the construction process seems unlikely shortly.

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Playing with Transparency: 4 Projects Challenging Traditional Window-Making in Architecture

April 3, 2024 Carla Bonilla Huaroc 0

Formally, transparency usually takes the shape of a window, a door, a curtain wall, or a skylight. These are commonly created through rectangular punched openings or in the form of glass curtain wall systems or translucent screens. The following projects play with traditional notions of transparency and window-making in playful and unconventional ways. They create visually striking facades and dynamic relationships between their exterior and interior. They filter light and frame views through their glazing and opening articulation to craft memorable architectural experiences.

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Lessons From the Porch: Building Community at the Domestic Threshold

March 27, 2024 Carla Bonilla Huaroc 0

Positioned between the streetscape of a neighborhood and the privacy of the interior of a house lies the porch. Taking on the role of an entrance, a window to ponder out of, a gathering spot, and a stage, the porch has come to represent community and identity for many neighborhoods in the United States. Made of various stylistic elements of different sizes and shapes, these tie together neighborhoods by creating an interstitial space between the home and the street, weaving together the family life inside the house and the public life outside it, and creating a space between the private and public for both serendipitous encounters and for pausing. The porch has often been displayed in film and literature as the stage of profound and life-changing conversations, representing a comfortable threshold between the domestic and public realm in which to linger.

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A Unique Approach to Creating Public Spaces: In Conversation with Alejandro Haiek

March 20, 2024 Carla Bonilla Huaroc 0

Architecture practices usually start their design process with a client, who provides a program and a site. Alejandro Haiek, founder of The Public Machinery, approaches things differently. The Public Machinery describes itself as a network of architects and designers working collectively, actively observing, imagining, and proposing public urban interventions themselves. Their proposals are at the intersection of art, architecture, and engineering and weave community engagement, ecology, and new technologies into innovative forms of social infrastructure. They secure funding through research and public grants, enabling them to create public spaces that defy expectations in both their design process and in the form their projects take.

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How Los Angeles is Addressing the Affordable Housing Crisis

March 1, 2024 Carla Bonilla Huaroc 0

Cities in the United States are short of millions of housing units. Compounded by other factors, this shortage is radically increasing the cost of both renting and buying houses. Los Angeles is no exception; with 74% of its land zoned exclusively for single-family homes, multifamily housing construction is limited to an extremely small swath of the city, making the construction of new affordable housing difficult. Complex multi-year permit approval processes often make these projects even less feasible.

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A Layered Architecture: Adaptive Reuse Projects That Reframe the Past Through Bold Material Contrasts

February 23, 2024 Carla Bonilla Huaroc 0

In recent decades, the term “adaptive reuse” has gained tremendous popularity as an eco-friendly construction approach. But what if there was something more poetic about reframing a space and its stories for new users? These architects show that once-deemed disposable facades, walls, and textures can obtain new meaning through bold and clever juxtapositions. These adaptations proudly display their conversions and layers of historical patina under them as a batch of honor and speak to the permanence of buildings and their impermanence in use and interpretation. Through subtle formal moves and daring material choices, they transformed structures that would have been otherwise demolished and reimagined them in new and intriguing ways.